
"Your kids are a huge priority for us!"

WAG Kids

WAG Kids is a ministry for kids ages birth through 5th grade. Our mission and number one focus is to Develop Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus Christ in a fun, engaging and safe environment! At WAG, we know children will be the church of tomorrow, but strongly believe they are a vital part of the church today! Our prayer is as they grow in their relationship with Jesus and cultivate the gifts talents and abilities He has given them, that they in turn will make an impact in their world!

New to WAG?

When you arrive, please visit our Welcome Center area so we can get to know you and your child. It is our desire that you feel comfortable and welcomed. We will then walk through our check-in/dismissal process. We are excited to get to know you and your family more!

Sunday Programs

Nursey (Infants - 2)

Our Nursery is staffed by loving and caring Team Members who desire to introduce our little ones to God's love through play, music, stories and songs.

Toddlers (Ages 2 - 4)

Our Toddlers are taught Bible stories in a fun and interactive way, while learning to worship in song, Bible memory and prayer. They also enjoy times of crafts and games all on their age level!

Kids Connection (Ages 4 - 12)

Kids Connection is a high-energy, fun service where kids learn about Jesus through Bible lessons, games, activities, object lessons, Bible memory, worship and so much more!

Junior Bible Quiz

Junior Bible Quiz is an amazing ministry to help our kids, Kindergarten through 5th Grade, to memorize God’s Word. Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ) was created and designed to help children develop a love for the Bible and an understanding that its truth can guide their lives daily.

Junior Bible Quiz offers a fun, exciting way to motivate children to understand the all-important truths in God’s Word. Through cooperative learning, children work together on teams to learn and understand the questions and answers from the Bible Fact-Pak. Then using cooperative competition the children meet with other teams for a fun quizzing match. There are twenty questions in a match, with two teams of quizzers trying to beat each other to the buzzers to get the first shot at the answers.